The Role of LinkedIn in Recruitment [En]

In Blog

June 3rd, 2016

Launched in 2003, LinkedIn became the world’s largest professional networks, with 433 million users globally, from which 70% are from outside U.S., according to Statista. In Romania, there are over 1.8 million LinkedIn accounts.

Nowadays, recruiters are considering LinkedIn a useful recruitment tool with potential in seeking the best candidates. According to a recent Stopgap survey, 74% of recruiters are using LinkedIn when they need to close a position and 34% use the professional network in order to keep candidates engaged for future job openings.

What are the benefits that made an impact in recruitment?

1. InMail

Use the InMail benefit in order to contact people on LinkedIn, even if they are not directly connected to you. It has a greater response rate than any other messages sent on different social platforms. You can engage with both active and passive candidates that you think are suitable for filling your openings.

An advantage is that the recipient can find out more information about the sender, by simply visiting his LinkedIn profile. This will increase credibility and the chances to get a response are bigger. Moreover, any message sent by InMail is business-related, so people will know that you have real interest in future collaboration.

Depending on your account, you can have up to 150 credits per month that roll over to the next month if unused.

2. LinkedIn Recruiter Corporate Edition

According to the Stopgap survey, 50% of companies are using a standard account and only 29% have paid for account. If you have budget to upgrade your account to a premium subscription you can opt for LinkedIn Recruiter Corporate Edition. It is usually used by big recruitment companies that are constantly facing with employment fluctuations. You can try it for free for the first month. It is also, the best solution for filling management positions.

What are the extra benefits among using the free subscription?

  • It helps you find the right talent faster – you can access an advanced recruitment search with over 20 filters;
  • Unlimited access to the LinkedIn network – you can view the entire LinkedIn profile for all the candidates you are interested in;
  • Manage your pipeline of talent – Track your team’s activity with powerful reporting and analytics tools; also, you can use the smartphone app that will give you the chance to source on the go.

Related: 3 methods to attract passive candidates

3. Company Page

Another source that shouldn’t be neglected is the company page, where you can present your products and services, but let candidates see more than that. Engage candidates with the topics you share, with relevant articles and picture from events you have attended. Post at least once a week in order to show that you are an active company and always keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date.

Moreover, LinkedIn launched in 2013 Showcase Pages, an extension of the company page. If you have job openings, or some products and services you want to promote in particularly, Showcase Pages offer you the possibility to implement up to 10 dedicated pages for sharing updates to your audience. Cisco and Microsoft are just two examples of successful LinkedIn Showcase Pages that may inspire you.


Source: LinkedIn

4. LinkedIn Groups

Where to find the best candidate pool if not in a community where people share the same interests. As an active recruiter, you can join LinkedIn Groups, interact with members and post business related news. Also, your company can create its own group where you can invite people to join and with which you can start discussions on different topics.

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