Romanian Labor Market in 2023: Current Situation and Forecasts from TOP Employers

In Blog

April 6th, 2023

Launched at Angajatori de TOP on March 31st 2023, the study State of Recruitment and Employer Branding 2023, powered by comprises an exhaustive view on the recruitment and employer branding field and several important insights and strategies in the HR & Employer Branding areas for 2023.

The event had three important speakers, representing three major companies in Romania. They added value to the discussion and talked about their specific strategies in employer branding and recruiting for 2023: Ramona Badescu – HR Manager at Bosch Romania, Andreea Marina Dragomir – Senior Recruitment Coordinator at IDEMIA and Florin Hulea – Talent Acquisition Manager at Telus International. The event was hosted by our colleagues: Dragos Gheban, Managing Partner at Catalyst Solutions.

Predictions for 2023: Easier, Harder, Same as before?

The study found that 44.7% of the employers in STEM areas (44% in Business) predict that recruitment in 2023 will be similar to recruitment in 2022. Only 16.5% (STEM) and 12.8% (Business) of employers think that it will be better than 2022. 33.8% (STEM) and 43.1% (Business) predict it will be more difficult to recruit in 2023.

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“We are headed on a journey that puts our focus on employee retention and satisfaction, as well as meeting the needs and requirements of our candidates”, says Ramona Badescu, HR Manager at Bosch Romania.

“For IDEMIA, we predict a dynamic 2023. We can see the development of a “candidate’s market”, both in 2023 and over the past years, where candidates come with requests and expectations from the beginning of the recruitment process and we aim to fulfill at least most of them”, Andreea Marina Dragomir, Senior Recruitment Coordinator at IDEMIA, said.

“For Telus International, 2023 will continue to be a transition period after 2 years of pandemic followed by war, financial insecurities, and economic fluctuations. We continue to focus on the pleasant recruiting experience for candidates. In the recruitment process, we focus on meeting the expectations points of interest of the candidates, as we can still see increased caution from the candidates in the recruitment process”, said Florin Hulea, Talent Acquisition Manager at Telus International.

To check other important priorities, challenges and strategies for recruitment and employer branding in 2023, download our free e-book with insights from the State of Recruitment and Employer Branding 2023 .


The results of our survey show 46.8% of employers in both STEM and Business fields think that there will be an increase in the number of entry-level hires.


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“We are excited to be able to hold a high percentage of entry-level positions in our company: almost 97% of the open positions are directed to new graduates and entry-level candidates”, Florin Hulea explains about Telus International’s recruitment plans.

As for IDEMIA, Andreea Maria Dragomir says: “we are preparing for a significant growth in the number of open positions – more hires than in 2022, at all levels, focusing on engineer and R&D positions”.

“We are focusing on many different roles, in areas such as Hardware, Software, Mechanical, Languages, Procurement, and Logistics, at all levels, at a total of over 800 open positions. For entry-level, there are currently 1000 places available for internships at Bosch Romania”, says Ramona Badescu.

Predictions for 2023: Who will be recruited? Selection criteria.

We found that the most important criteria for a candidate are speaking a foreign language, especially English (58.7%), followed by internship programs and past experience (46.7%), and a University diploma in the field (39.7%).

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Florin Hulea – Talent Acquisition Manager at Telus International: “For entry-level positions, we look at criteria such as foreign languages (especially English, but also others) and we prefer to keep the working environment in the office, with some flexibility. The higher the level, the more criteria we have. We invest in the retention of existing employees to ensure internal growth in the hierarchy”.

Andreea Marina Dragomir – Senior Recruitment Coordinator at IDEMIA:“For entry-level positions, we want smart, flexible candidates who want to learn and that can pass some technical tests. We also take into account courses and past experience. The English language is a must in our field. Once we go higher in the hierarchy, to middle and senior positions, we take a closer look at criteria such as previous experience, technologies that they know and use, technical knowledge, and flexibility (we work hybrid and on-site)”.

Ramona Badescu – HR Manager at Bosch Romania:“Before the pandemic, we invested in our recruitment framework. We look at things as a whole, and not very niche when we recruit. At entry level we want a continuous dialogue and a desire to grow. From entry-level to middle to senior, we put emphasis on three main criteria:autonomydesire for development,and competence”.

The survey is available for download here .

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