
One solution for two demands – a useful instrument for both companies and students. It is an online publication that includes brand ads, the latest job openings and career articles representing key information for every student.

The publication is a great foundation for future recruiting and hiring efforts and a great way to endorse your company brand among the next generation of professionals.

Employers’ Guide has two dedicated editions: during spring, it focuses on Internship & Trainee Programs and in fall are included articles, Top 100 employers and career opportunities in the Technical field. The publication is distributed nationwide, reaching over 600 000 people online.

Reached over 40.000 students throughout its printed and online version.

It’s more powerful than a regular printed publication, because it offers a complete experience by using all the benefits of the online environment.


Reasons to participate

For companies

  • Build or consolidate companies employer brand among a big part of undergraduates and Master’s students with economic and technical background;
  • Great foundation for future recruiting and hiring efforts;
  • Promote all the major career opportunities;

For participants

  • Useful resource publication that offers information about the latest career opportunities;
  • Gain information about how to apply, what to expect and how to be prepared and maximize the internship experience;

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