Key reasons to attend a Virtual Career Fair

In Blog

April 1st, 2019

Thanks to technology, you can now digitally access right candidates without having to leave the comfort of your office desk.  Virtual Career Fair is an innovative concept that takes career fair experience to the whole next level. By transferring the event into the online environment, the interaction becomes optimized and location independent. It means accessing an unlimited number of job candidates, who might connect with employers from any place in the world.

In this article, we walk you through all the key benefits offered by virtual career fairs. We are sure it will make you pretty excited about taking part in our next virtual career fair.

Higher visitor attendance

For eg. at the previous edition of Angajatori de TOP Virtual over 150 000 people have visited the platform during 21 days of the event. We can see that while personal interactions are still an important recruitment tool, virtual fairs are gaining popularity. What makes them attractive is easy access and practically zero physical effort to participate. It’s especially important for passive candidates and people living outside of the country.

Improved efficiency

On the other hand, the virtual career fair provides participants with physical comfort and the option to fast-track the right opportunity, by marking specific preferences. At the same time companies can filter applicants in the same way based on their selected criteria to identify relevant talent in the blink of an eye.

Nationwide exposure

Companies can expect high exposure thanks to a well-established positioning of the event. Throughout its 12 editions Angajatori de TOP is constantly reaching great volumes of participants by promotion campaigns on and nationwide media coverage.

Empowers employer brand

Virtual career fairs are powerful recruitment tool that not only saves money and bring you quality hires, but also communicate your employer brand to a large audience. Providing employers with personalized booths, the look, colors and style replicates branding objectives for exhibitors.

Expands talent pool

As an Employer you gain access to a large group of candidates with diverse background and skill set. Virtual career fair can not only satisfy your current recruitment needs, but also prepare you for the future, by expanding your database of potential candidates.

New communication tools

Virtual fairs make use of digital features. You can share company videos, photo galleries, FAQ’S, brochures and even provide VR experience by taking candidates on the virtual tour around your company headquarter. What’s most important those materials can be easily accessed, saved and shared.

As technology pushes our lives forward, we should learn how to benefit from rising opportunities. Virtual career fairs are one of those tools that can level up your recruitment game. That’s why you shouldn’t wait any longer and join us on the next edition of Angajatori de TOP Virtual which will take place on between 15th of April and 5th of May.

For more information don’t hesitate to contact us on


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