How to make the most of a Job portal for your recruitment strategy

In Blog

Updated October 2018

How to make the most of a job board for having the best hiring results?

The exposure on a career portal gives your company a chance to source quality hires and boost popularity of your employer brand. For example is one of the most popular career portals in Romania with over 1.000.000 registered candidates. But, in order to make the most of this channel, you need to adopt the right approach.

There are a few things to take in consideration while managing your company’s activities on job boards.

Make sure your opportunities are well communicated

From job title to responsibilities and how to apply you have to make sure they are clear and concise communicate.

When it comes to a job title, it should describe the open position in very obvious terms. At the same time, it shouldn’t be too generic (Team Leader) or too overboard (Engagement Ninja). Job titles shouldn’t lead someone to think “I have no idea what this job is about.” Additionally, ensure any other key details are included in the job header section to attract the candidates interested in the type of position.

It might seem obvious, but to run effective job posts, you have to choose the right domains according to the position you are trying to fill and not regarding the sector your company operates in. Remember – if the domains selected are related to the opportunity you promote, the chances that talents will find it on the platform will increase exponentially.

Another mistake that should be avoided, is not marking cities when recruiting for national jobs. Many candidates search for opportunities by selecting a location and if this one is not marked it simply won’t show in results.

When all these aspects are set in place, you are ready to work on an effective job description.

Draft effective job descriptions

On you have an unlimited number of job postings, including job ads reactivation according to your selected plan. However, keep in mind that quality tops quantity. Make sure your job description contains relevant terms and keywords that can be later indexed by search engines. For the same reason avoid posting job ads in the form of an image which makes it basically impossible to find.

To master the art of drafting effective ads, check out our article – Do and Don’ts on job description.

Deliver basic information about the opportunity

Candidates may not proceed with a job application if essential information is missing from the description. Read through your job posting and consider the candidate’s perspective – is there any information not included that you would want to know if you were the candidate? In many cases, providing extra details such as the job’s location, salary information, or employment type can make the difference between a candidate applying or just skipping your opportunity for the next one.


Brand your company profile and job ads

Personalizing your communication with potential candidates is the best way to make your employer brand stand out. Using authentic videos and pictures to show your company culture is a huge engagement booster that can be featured in your company profile. For example, on in the Employer Branding Subscription plan, you have the possibility to include special visual presentation into the following tailor-made sections: Brand Values, Image Gallery, detailed presentation of special programs and testimonials. Another exciting feature worth considering is activating an interactive virtual tour around your company’s headquarters, just like the one from Coca-Cola Romania. In order to maximize the benefits offered by an employer branding profile, you can find more from our article: Tips & Tricks about writing the most engaging employer profile.

When it comes to job ads, remember that they can be the candidate’s first impression of your company. Therefore, treat it like another way to show off your employer brand and let it reflect your workplace culture and visual style. Our survey for reveals that 51% of candidates prefer job ads to have visual elements which makes them more interesting and engaging for the applicants.



Provide smooth application experience

Once your jobs have been posted and shared with candidates, the next critical step of the recruitment process is ensuring candidates complete job applications. Studies show job seekers don’t like filling up time-consuming and complex application forms. Another thing that discourages 80% of candidates is being redirected to different platforms where they supposed to finish up the application process.

Remember that maintaining a quality candidate experience also implies getting back to applicants as soon as possible with the next step of the recruitment process. Long waiting time and not keeping your candidates updated might demotivate and chase away quality hires who will simply lose interest in your company’s offer.

Source resumes to meet your hiring needs

Companies subscribed to are given access to the resumes of candidates registered on the platform. At the moment our database consists of over 600.000 uploaded CV that can be scanned for specific sections like skills, education or experience. Use this opportunity to track your desired talents and approach them with targeted job offers. This way you might reach valuable passive candidates.


To make the most of in terms of recruiting, ensure you don’t just post and wait for candidates to come your way. By being proactive and making good use of all your options you will be able to gain quality hires and strengthen your employer brand. In order to discuss your individual offer and find out more about how can reinforce your recruitment strategy contact us at


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