Employer Branding for millennials – the best practices

Did you notice the influence of millennials on employment market is constantly growing? By the end of the 2020 they will dominate the US workforce and challenge the global employment market.

Unlike the older generations millennials are extremely difficult to attract and retain. Well educated, skilled in technology and self-confident they are attracted to opportunities that can unleash their full potential.

So, what is the right approach?

We recommend you to develop engaging employer branding strategy that levels up with 21th century expectations.

In this article we will show you how to do it.


Share your company culture by turning your staff into brand ambassadors

Millennials are attracted by engaging statements and off-beat corporate cultures. Therefore, you should focus on creative way to communicate your brand. Try to use “show don’t tell” approach and get your current staff involved. Because, there is nothing more authentic than content generated and shared by your employees.

To get them engage start coming up with fun projects, like for example “Day from my office life”. This is a great way to introduce candidates to their potential daily schedules, work environment and creative coworkers. Keep in mind, that visuals are powerful tools in your employer branding strategy and can describe your company culture better than words.


Get more social on-line and in-person

Millennials grew up with access to modern technology. They became masters of digital interaction by staying connected and sharing information’s. In order to grab their attention you need to boost your online presence and embrace social media. Start with engaging campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Deliver interesting and shareable content valuable to your audience. By takingmore social-active approach, you will be able to show what you stand for and engage people with your vision.

Most Desired Employer Studies show, Millennials value personal interactions and they see career fairs as a great way to connect with their potential employer. Taking part in those types of events can increase your popularity and brand recondition young people.


Stay Tech-Updated

Millennials are the first generation to grow up in a tech-driven society. Innovation matters for them big time, especially when it can make their lives more convenient. So, don’t fall behind and make a good use of modern technology. The most recent trend in smart recruitment is syndicated display advertising technologies which deliver job offers directly to job candidates. These advertisements can reach a precisely targeted audience across many web sites.

Another important aspect involves adjusting your recruiting strategy for mobile users audience. Make sure your website and career page have an intuitive display and delivers user-friendly experience.


Millennials might seem like a tricky generation to attract, but if you will manage to engage them with your company culture, they will turn into valuable employees. Remember to stay updated with trends on the employment market and your company will never be short on young and creative talents.

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