Discover what the business candidates expect from you based on The Most Desired Employers Study 2017

In Blog

September 26th, 2017

Did you notice that competition on the talent market is getting stronger every year?

Employees are the ones who are fostering your brand, so fishing out the best talents from the employment market is a key to your company’s success.

Based on the Most Desired Employers Study 2017 among the respondents with business background, (nearly 40%), we gather and analyze their perception and expectations towards their future employer. Our study shows that their employment behaviors are changing depending on their level of experience, age and place of living. Relying on a data-driven understanding of their needs, you can improve your Employer Branding strategy and attract the right people to your business.

Depending on your needs, we provide three types of reports that are based on The Most Desired Employers Study 2017:

  • General Report
  • Industry reports (IT&C, Outsourcing, FMCG or Banking)
  • Business and Engineering Reports

In this article, we showcase Top 5 behaviors which grabbed our attention while preparing the Business Report:


What money can’t buy?

We alspeedl know money can’t buy love, happiness and as we found out, it’s also failing when it comes to attracting the right business talents. Our study reveals that candidates with entry level experience (>6months) favor the work environment and personal development more than material benefits. What drives them is: growth, flexibility and feeling engaged with the company’s culture. At the same time, Seniors (3+yrs) are easily attracted by competitive salary, but what also has a great impact on them is finding exciting professional challenges in new job.

flagMost wanted industries

We asked what are the future preferences regarding the industry our respondents would like to work in. It turned out that the most desirable in 2017 is the IT&C industry. This sector made huge progress over the past seven years, scoring 21% grow on popularity. Also, future predictions look promising for IT: over 28% of Seniors (3+yrs) declared they would consider developing their career in this sector.

business it


Accounting/Audit/Taxes together with Media and Marketing are still considered as highly desirable industries to work in, especially, for Entry Level (>6months) candidates.

Notice, as an employer, you are not only competing with companies from your industry, but with the ones that are recruiting the same target group as you.


Surfing for a jobbusiness surfing for a job

When it comes to searching for a job, there are many possibilities that candidates can choose from. 75% of job seekers are using Career Portals to gather information about potential employers and job openings. We discovered which of them are the most trusted and reliable ones. A high percentage of our respondents put their full trust into direct interactions, either with future employer or within their network.

flag Reasons to relocate for work

If starting a new job can be an exciting experience, moving to another city to get one is life changing one. So, we asked our respondents what would be the right motivator to take such a risk. No surprises here, the salary was the one of the top reasons to relocate. But what surprised us, was a high interest in leaving the capital for those currently living in Bucharest – more than 60% respondents would move to either Brasov, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca or Timisoara.

 flagMost Desired Employers Romania – nominations among business candidates

11,036 people have nominated the employers they would desire to work for. Below we reveal first half from Top 20 results in Romania among our business respondents. If you don’t see your company here you can look for it further in our eBook.



From this list, we can notice a strong presence of employers from the IT&C industry. If you are interested to find out the results in other cities including: Brasov, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara, we encourage you to get access to our full report by requiring it through:

Remember, becoming the Most Desired Employer is not an overnight success. Most of them already have consistent and attractive Employer Branding Strategies. An important part of their approach includes getting access to valuable data-driven information on which they implement an effective strategy. We encourage you to find your way to the Top!

For more insights about the market, you can download our new eBook which contains information about the Most Desired Employers Study.

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