The Most Desired Employers in Romania 2022 – Rankings by Industry

In Blog

16th of June 2022

Each year we run online the Most Desired Employers Survey, covering a wide pool of candidates nationwide. They share with us their perception, desires, behaviour and expectations in relation to the employers in the Romanian labour market. This year we gathered 14 691 valid responses which now translate into valuable data-driven insights we are excited to share with you!

Who are the Most Desired Employers by Industry in Romania?

Hold your breath! It’s time to reveal lucky companies that in 2022 are perceived as Top Industry Employers by the Romanian candidates.

Being on top of the mind organization in terms of employer branding is no walk in the park, it requires a lot of planning, paying close attention to detail and constantly refining your strategy. And that’s why we want to congratulate the organizations that made it this year to the TOP.

Check the rankings below:

It’s an honour that our company maintains for two years in a row the first place in terms of Most Desired Employers. At Microsoft, we focus on our organizational culture, on building a proper work environment for development and for our employees’ wellbeing. It’s a joy for us to see that our vision and wish to make our employees the top priority makes a positive impact and it motivates us to continue to maintain these factors which are extremely important for an organization. Our determination is also given by the changes we experienced in the last years. Those changes happened very fast and brought with them several challenges, which forced us to learn and adapt together.

Our efforts will continue with the goal to maintain a work environment which is inclusive and transparent, focused on growth, just as it has been up until now. At Microsoft, every employee in Romania can find the opportunities he needs in order to become the best version of himself, professionally speaking.

Adina Vidroiu, HR Director, Microsoft Romania & Greece, Cyprus, Malta

It’s an honor to be included once again in The Most Desired Employers of Romania. We want to thank everyone who voted for Oracle this year and especially the candidates who spread the word about their experiences with us. We are grateful that they understand and value our culture, our professional and efficient way of working at Oracle. We continue to focus on objectives and results while supporting the community.

Our center in Romania produced results that prove how valuable and capable our team is. The diversity, training, preferences, and approaches of our employees undoubtedly helps the company achieve its objectives. At Oracle, we follow a path of implementing wellbeing services for our employees to create a pleasant, friendly, and healthy workplace. Thus, we offer our employees access to parenting, psychology, health, nutrition, first aid, investment, and family budget management, as well as many others such services.

 Cristina Stoica, HR Director, Oracle Romania

The recognition comes in a special year for Deloitte. It’s a time when we celebrate three decades of working in Romania, during which we helped many generations to grow, and hundreds of businesses’ leaders gained professional experience at Deloitte that contributed to their own development.

I believe we are best known for the great privilege to constantly learn through complex projects, alongside the best Romanian companies and experts from multiple professions, and for growing as professionals and leaders. Attracting and helping to develop the most talented people is not only a priority for us, but an essential part of our way of thinking and acting and our contribution for business and society.

Alexandru Reff, Country Managing Partner, Deloitte Romania and Moldova

What other insights you can gain?

If you ever wondered how your organization looks in eyes of candidates and even your own employees, the Most Desired Employers Study has your back. We collect data on what drives talents, we take a close look at candidate behaviour and their experience. On top of that, we put together popularity rankings of Employers in Romania.

In this way, we bring you valuable insights into the talent market together with employers’ popularity rankings.

The Most Desired Employers Survey run every year since 2016 by Catalyst Solutions, provide us with current results on employers’ popularity and the insides of the Romanian talents market.

If you wonder what this year defines top companies and what matters the most for the candidates in terms of employment, have a look at this year’s Most Desired Employers Study takeaways! For more detailed information regarding your target group contact us at , and put the magic of data-driven insights to work for you.

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