
The survey has an extensive history of 18 years and is the most complex instrument on the Romanian market that assesses the perception and expectations of professionals, graduates and students.

14,446 people have nominated the employers they would desire the most to work for, along with their perceptions and expectations of the working environment. The survey not only measures the employer brand attractiveness but also what factors are associated with the most desired employers and what is important to the relevant target group.

Actionable insights are provided by in-depth analysis on:

  • Employment Behavior: you will have an accurate image of the preferences, professional objectives, job search behaviour of the pool of professionals, graduates and students;
  • Communication Channels: these insights will enable you to adapt your communication strategy to the targeted pool to maximize its impact;
  • Employer Perception: not only the employer rankings but also the levels of awareness and consideration of your company, conversion in job applicants and factors associated with your employer brand.

For insights on how you can attract the right talent, how you are ranked and perceived as an employer versus your competition or on which recruitment channels you should focus your resources on, acquire one of the reports available for you:

  • Market Overview Report– provides a nationwide overview of the behaviour and perception of respondents with Business, Social-Sciences, IT&C and Engineering backgrounds.
  • Standard Reports – Business or Engineering – in-depth analysis of respondents with Business or Engineering educational backgrounds;
  • Industry reports (IT&C, Outsourcing & SSC, FMCG, Retail)– an analysis of respondents who work or are interested in working in one of these industries, along with their perception of major players in targeted industries.
  • Employer Branding Health Check Report a personalized set of analysis designed to assess the perception towards your employer brand that serves as an evaluation tool for your EB efforts or as a starting point in defining your strategy.

Key Facts & Figures
14,446  validated responses
Online survey
Data collection: December 2022 – April 2023


Bucharest – 5,655

County – 8,791

Levels of experience:

0-1 year – 1,889

1-3 years – 1,637

3-5 years – 1,606

5-10 years – 3,719

+10 years – 5,595

Educational background split:

Business – 4,346

IT&C – 2,982

Engineering – 3,446

Social Sciences – 3,518

Other area os specialisation – 154

As seen on


Catalyst Solutions anunță rezultatele studiului Cei mai doriți angajatori 2020, desfășurat în perioada februarie-mai a acestui an, pe un eșantion de 19.281 respondenți. Numărul de respondenți este format din candidați cu studii superioare, atât juniori, cât și candidați cu experiență din toată țara, cu profil Business, IT&C, Inginerie, Științe Sociale și Medical/Farma.


Piața muncii a fost nevoită să se reinventeze și să învețe din criza medicală. Angajații și-au schimbat comportamentul de lucru, iar angajatorii au căutat, de asemenea, să țină pasul. Odată cu relaxarea restricțiilor, cei pe care criza i-a prins fără un loc de muncă au reluat căutările. Un studiu realizat de Catalyst Solutions, denumit „Cei mai doriţi angajatori 2020”, arată cum se prezintă această piață în perioada febrarie-mai.


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