Tips & Tricks about writing the most engaging employer profile

In Blog


April 28th, 2017

Most of the companies are using job portals in order to keep candidates up-to-date with the latest opportunities and opened positions. This type of communication channel converts potential candidates into applicants, especially if you have an engaging employer profile.

Based on The Most Desired Employers survey we run on 11.036 higher education candidates, job boards are 1st in a list of channels candidates turn to when they want to search information about potential employers.

The company profile is directly linked to recruitment results as it offers additional content at the most important moment: when the candidate is analyzing information about you and deciding if he/she is going to apply or not. In order to maximize the benefits offered by the platform, here are some tips about how you can optimize your organization page.

1. Know your target profile

Who am I communicating with? This should be the first step you need to take into consideration, no matter what type of channel you use for communicating with your audience.

By knowing details about your target it will be easier for you to write content that will capture their attention and to know how to position your company among them.  Analyze what they want to know from you, what kind of information they define as interesting and adapt the style of your message.

2. Why you?

After you understand your target’s need, give them the answer to the question “What’s In It For Me?” (known as WIIFM). Why should they choose you instead of your competitors? Highlight the benefits of working for you, be as transparent as you can and show them what it means to be a part of your team.

This natural selection will bring you only candidates that are really interested in joining your team. :)

3. Point out essential details

Keep your company and job description simple and easy to read. Don’t lose your audience interest by adding unnecessary information. If you have an EVP, make sure that the EVP the brand pillars find their way into your presentation in a clear, convincing manner.

Here are some ideas for content with standard and best practices:

  • Standard – details about your recruitment process – Best Practice – adding advice on how candidates can prepare for your selection process; If you use tests you can ad links to the practice tests.
  • Standard – general information about the company – Best Practice – using an infographic to say more about both the company and the team.
  • Standard – a description of the internship program – Best Practice – details about all the options students and graduates have to join your company and a list of the events where they can meet you.
  • Standard – short description about the business lines – Best Practice – complete information about the business lines present in Romania, the major projects and the type of roles you usually have open for each of them.

You want candidates to have an 1 – accurate, 2 – complete and 3 – compelling image about your company at the best possible moment: when they are deciding if to apply or not.

4. Avoid long application forms & redirecting links;

A smooth application experience says a lot about your company.

Stay away from long application forms. According to our study, job applications decreases with at least 90% when candidates have to fill out a complex form. Even if the main role of the form is to help recruiters choose the best candidates, our advice is to send it by e-mail to the long list after CV screening. This way you will record a higher number of applicants and we guarantee that they will become more involved in the next recruitment steps.

The second reason why candidates abandon their application is because the process takes too long.  For example, a candidate who wants to apply to 10 different jobs needs to create 10 accounts, one for each platform. Instead of a simple click to apply process, we are extending the application time to hours. This is the second reason why candidates quit the application process.

A long and complicated application process = a bureaucratic organisation and you don’t want to send this message.

You can read more here about how to optimize job ads for the best results.

5. Insert images

To make sure you keep candidates engaged, add to your content quality images that are showing how your workplace looks like, frames from formal & informal events you have organised in the past or any other images that are speaking about your organizational culture. You can go one step further and ad 360 tours of your office.

If you are using graphic elements or you have prepared a special design for your company profile, make sure that you are using company’s colors according to your brand book and that the use of graphic elements extend to your JDs. This way you will keep the brand’s identity.

Companies are focusing more on their career page and tend to neglect the content used for promoting their company on job portals, although, in most of the cases, the company profile gets more visitors. Treating your company profile with the same level of attention will convey to your audience that they matter and you are willing invest time and resources in making the best informing page for them.

6. Add testimonials

An important element of employer branding is having branding ambassadors who are eager to talk about their own experience in your company. Inserting testimonials will make your page trustworthy for candidates.

7. Video profile

What if you include in your profile a video that presents all the key aspects? Especially when writing content is not your favorite thing, this can represent the perfect alternative.

Moreover, sometimes it’s easier to remember information by watching a video or listening to someone explaining you what you need to know. Here is an example of how a video profile looks like:



8. Become a storyteller!

The last, but probably the most important aspect of communication is content marketing. You can choose to make a standard company profile, with general information that can be easily found with only one search or you can differentiate from others by offering a unique candidate experience.

Candidates expect to see your story, to find out more about you than company’s history or how many offices you have all over the world. Create the environment where they feel wanted and where they fit in. The power of storytelling can even convert a passive candidate into a potential future employee.

In the end, here are some company profiles we like from

Wipro’s automotive Center of Excellence – Romania,   Microsoft,   Decathlon,   HILTI

EY Romania,   Coca-Cola HBC,   P&G,   Arvato ServicesReckitt Benckiser,   Unilever,

Nespresso, Ericsson,  DB Schenker Global Services Europe … and the list can go on as there are many more good examples.


Those are just a few steps that can boost your recruitment results and if you rate our tips & tricks as helpful, share it to your friends. :)

If you would like to have a similar company profile on, just drop us an e-mail at

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