Who are Romania’s top-of-mind companies in 2016? [En]

In Blog

November 8th, 2016

Nowadays, there are some companies any candidate wishes to work for, but, at the same time, there are a lot of companies which are confronting with lack of candidates. What made those companies become the top-of-mind choices in people’s mind? What are they doing differently and what candidates say about them?
Having a well-structured employer branding strategy is the key of aiming the best suited employees. The way people are talking about your brand is one of the most valuable thing for a company.

Our recent study that came out this summer, The Most Desired Employers 2016, reveals the top of the most demanded companies in Romania. As we can see, the top 4 hasn’t suffered any changes from last year. Oracle, Google, Microsoft and IBM remain the most wanted companies where candidates eager to get hired. Moreover, Oracle is on the first position for the fourth time in a row and Google is still ranked 2nd.

If we are looking at the evolution of people’s preferences, we can spot a tendency of increased popularity among IT&C companies.


Source: The Most Desired Employers Survey 2016

But why people are tending to choose those companies instead of any other brands?

The same study say that, when deciding who will be their next employer, candidates pay more attention to the salary and benefits package.


Source: The Most Desired Employers Survey 2016

As we can see in the chart, the respondents are not looking only at the financial benefits.  They are interested also in aspects including a friendly environment, an employer that provides challenging jobs,  flexible working programs or a good company reputation.

How do candidates get in touch with the latest news about the company?

37,51% of the potential employees prefer to access the company’s site in order to get all the information needed about new career opportunities.  Because of that, a comprehensive career page is highly recommended.

preferred_communication_channel Source: The Most Desired Employers Survey 2016

A second preferred communication channel is represented by the job sites. 37,19% think that it is a useful way to find all the information needed about career opportunities and, also, an instrument that facilitates the application process.

“Open Days” also score high in ranking, because they are one of the few occasions in which potential candidates get to meet and interact with company representatives.

If attracting and engaging with talent represent your main objective, download our whitepaper HR Survival KIT where you can read more useful recruitment recommendations.

For any other questions and curiosities, we are waiting for your messages at angajatori@catalyst.ro

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