Do you know what are the 6 elements of recruitment? [Part 1] [En]

In Blog

June 21st, 2016

We all know that behind a company’s success is not the brand, nor its excellent products or services. All of these are created by its visionary PEOPLE.

As a HR professional, you have the challenging mission of finding and retaining the best and the most suitable human resources for your company. We all know this is not an easy task, especially now. According to the survey “Workforce trends in 2016” – 79% of the questioned employers plan to increase their workforce in 2016 and only 4% estimate a decrease. Their recruitment plans are quite balanced between juniors (44%) and experienced professionals (42%).

In order to fulfill all recruitment plans, we will reveal in this article 3 out of 6 elements that any recruiter should take into consideration when sniffing out high-potentials:

1. Talent Tracking Device – for following the footsteps of your talent

Whether you think about experienced employees or young graduates, when it comes to choosing a job they all aspire to develop a career in a company with a good reputation, where they can fulfill their professional potential, continuously develop and feel valued.

In order to attract the best talent, you need to know who you are talking to. It is our job to know who are the potential candidates, where to find them, how to get their attention, what they expect from their careers and from their employers.

For reaching the best candidates, it is very important to know what are their needs and expectations and also, what are their criteria when choosing an employer. According to The Most Desired Employers Survey 2015, 40,84% of the respondents think that salary & benefits package are the first aspects they are taking into consideration.


Source: The Most Desired Employers Survey 2015

As we can see, another important criteria is represented by the company’s reputations. In order to attract the right talent for your company, it is recommended to focus on your employer branding strategy. Last year, Oracle was nominated for the third year in a row “Romania’s Top Employer”, while Microsoft ranked 3rd, after Google.

Moreover, according to the same Survey, majority of respondents are using company sites and job sites in order to be kept up-to-date with information about the organization, recruitment application or job openings. It represents a useful instruments for both active and passive candidates.

Related: Read more about how you can reach passive candidates here.

2. Diving Googles – for diving into the talent pool

There is an impressive pool of high-potentials for you to dive into and for those who find the right mix of online and offline channels, the rewards are high. We will give you a hint of how deep you can dive: 11,236,186 Internet users in Romania.

Here are some online and offline channels you can use in order to put your employer brand into the spotlight.


  • Your Company’s career site– This represents the first contact between a company and its potential candidates. Despite this, a significant number of companies use to neglect their website and most of them don’t even have a career section;
  • Organic Social Media – Job seekers show interest in finding more information about your activity and career opportunities. They are always connected online, so be sure you don’t miss any contact with your potential candidates;
  • Paid Ads on Social Media – A big advantage of using Social Media Ads, even if we are talking about Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram, is targeting your audience according to specific criteria, such as location, age, interests, educational background etc.;
  • Search Engine Optimization and Google Ads– Another channel used by job seekers other than social media is Google research. By setting the right keywords and implement a SEO strategy will help you moving up the ranking in Google Search and increasing organic traffic;
  • Job sites – One of the most efficient channels in attracting applicants. Based on our experience job sites rank No.1 in terms of cost per applicant and they are cited as the 2nd option used by candidates when researching employers, right after the career page. According to statistics, 1 out of 10 people apply for the job viewed online. This is a much higher conversion rate compared to the channels that do not take into account the user’s intent, such as Facebook Ads;
  • Virtual Career Fairs – A great solution for companies who are looking for a national level recruitment and a direct interaction with high-potentials.


  • Career fairs – Encourages one-to-one interactions with candidates and represents a great solution for raising your employer brand;
  • Recruitment Days & Challenge – This recruitment events offer you the opportunity to attract talents and potential candidates that demonstrate their technical abilities by completing specific tasks.

3. Nose Extension– for sniffing out high-potential

When facing a difficult candidate profile, you need extra care and extra senses. Highly experienced professionals or exceptional graduates are equally hard to find.

Targeted Open Days, Webinars, Professional Events are one way to approach the problem. Add some targeted online channels such as e-mail marketing and remarketing and complement your approach by searching directly in a database with professionals and rest assured that you will smell out the best match for your special recruitment needs.

Here are 8 ideas that will help you reach those hard to find candidates:

  1. Open Days – Offer candidates the opportunity to see your organizational culture, interact with company’s representatives and spice up the event with some knowledge sessions;
  2. Summer schools – Reach students and young graduates with high ambitions that are looking for new learning opportunities;
  3. Free training programs– Contribute to the community by organizing free training programs in order to train young people for skills which are in high demand; after the event you will have a new database with potential candidates from which you can recruit;
  4. Professional events – If you are looking to increase awareness among specialists from a certain domain, specialized conferences might be a good place to research. Find events where your audience will be present
  5. Webinars – Dynamic method is the right alternative if you want to organize an online seminar through which you can assert yourself as a specialist in your niche or market.
  6. Email marketing – Keep your audience up-to-date with your latest career opportunities. Despite that email marketing is an old school channel, according to a HubSpot research it can bring a ROI of 4,300%;
  7. Remarketing – Choose the audience that will be exposed to your remarketing messages. By using remarketing ads 98% of visitors that did not convert at the first visit on your site will be repeatedly exposed to the message you promote.
  8. Job portal databases – Use the direct searching into databases provided by career sites or LinkedIn; select several criteria such as spoken languages, experience, educational background etc. and find the candidates you need.

These are just some ideas about how you can attract the best candidates and how you can position your brand among them. To read the full content, download the FREE eBook HR’s Survival KIT – for Talent Attraction & Employer Branding.

Stay tuned to find out in our next article what are the next 3 elements any recruiter should implement in their recruitment strategies.

Image Source: Shutterstock


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